A 79 year old woman came to me with disabling pain, stiffness, and numbness in her feet caused by overuse injuries. With degenerative arthritis, her pain was so severe that walking, driving, and even sleeping were nearly impossible. The stress of her condition also aggravated an old sinus problem.
Within three weeks, we relieved the numbness in her feet, and stiffness and pain were reduced enough that she could comfortably walk and drive. As her nightly shooting pains also disappeared, her healthy sleep was restored, and through her relief, her sinusitis was successfully treated as well. |
"Through years of severe overuse I developed an acutely painful condition in the joints of my feet, but I could find no remedy to ease it. The tension and exhaustion from this problem became nearly unbearable.
Then happily I found Dr. Miroslawa Witalis, whose treatments have restored most of the flexibility to my feet and cleared my sinuses within a short period of time –and the problems have not reoccurred!"
—W.G., Seattle, WA

A 62 year old man had a recurring life-threatening bacterial infection in his leg, which resulted in severe tissue destruction, inflammation, and chronic leg pain. Antibiotics and hospitalizations had not resolved it, so he sought my help to restore his skin and prevent his condition from reoccurring.
With a regimen of natural remedies to correct his metabolism and restore healthy circulation, after one month of treatment, his leg regained a healthy appearance and has remained stable since. Over a year later, the systemic infection has not returned, and he has continued to improve his general health. |
"After years of relapses of a serious infection in my leg, I faced either reduced use of my leg and foot, death from re-infection, or immunity to medications.
Dr. Witalis works with all aspects of well being –she's changed my lifestyle and confidence. She's an astute listener, takes the time to understand the problem, and thoroughly explains the why and what of her treatment. I feel great and have more energy that ever. Friends tell me I look years younger. Yes, I recommend Dr. Witalis!"
—B.A., Redmond, WA

For 20 years, a 46 year old woman suffered chronic stomach pain, severe migraines, insomnia, anxiety attacks, eating disorders, and suicidal depression. Despite medications and other treatments, her mental and physical symptoms were disabling her professionally and personally.
After reviewing her extensive medical history and running lab tests, we started her on an intensive program —integrating modern Western therapy with ancient, non-toxic ways of healing— to restore her health.
Within three weeks, her migraines and stomach pain disappeared; she could manage her moods without medications; and regained healthy, restorative sleep. As her treatment progressed, she gained mental and physical energy, emotional balance and strength, which have continued to support her through any challenges that come along.
"Miroslawa Witalis is the best doctor I have ever worked with. I was a mess and tired of feeling so. She took time to listen to me and design a treatment program uniquely tailored to my needs.
With her integrative treatment, Dr. Witalis didn't simply make me feel better by suppressing symptoms. Soon I was pain free, slept like a baby without meds, and increased my focus, self-awareness, and energy. Today I am a healthy, happy person, comfortable socially, and a high performer professionally.
Dr. Witalis is extremely knowledgeable of the body and soul, and I wish everybody who suffers from ailments or discomforts could find her!"
—G.G., Seattle, WA

